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Calhoun, GA Oral Surgery Office


117 Professional Ct
Calhoun, GA 30701



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctors Practicing at the Calhoun Office

Dr. Christopher Kragor and Dr. Salam Salman at our Calhoun office specialize in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

Traveling 75 North:

Take exit 312, towards Calhoun/Fairmount

Keep left off the exit and turn left on GA-53/Hwy 53 East

Turn right onto Curtis Pkwy

Turn left onto Professional Court

The office is the third building on the right.

Traveling 75 South:

Take exit 315 and turn right on Red Bud Road

Turn left onto Curtis Pkwy

Turn right onto Professional Court

The office is the third building on the right.

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Patient Testimonials

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery in Calhoun, GA?

Since 1980, Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery has focused on reducing anxiety for patients needing oral surgery. Our Calhoun, GA office keeps patients well-informed about their procedures and provides exceptional care every step of the way. Whether you’re here for a wisdom teeth extraction or dental implants, you’re in capable hands with our skilled doctors, Dr. Christopher Kragor and Dr. Joshua Levy, and staff. We focus on staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, and we encourage you to contact us about any of your oral surgery needs. You may schedule an appointment at any time between Monday and Friday.

Dental Implants: The Diamond of Teeth Replacement Options

Don’t let missing teeth keep you from the lifestyle you deserve. Talk to our doctors about the possibility of dental implants or implant-supported dentures. Considered the diamond of tooth replacement, dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Explore your options during a consultation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Prevents Bacteria Growth & Illnesses

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgeries we provide in Calhoun. Though you may be tempted to ignore your wisdom teeth, this can cause overcrowding and further complications. Partially erupted wisdom teeth attract bacteria, which can lead to swelling, pain, infection, and illness. Avoid these problems by scheduling your wisdom teeth extraction with our skilled surgeons.

Patient Comfort Made Possible Through General Anesthesia

Our priority at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery is always patient comfort and safety. General anesthesia allows our patients to relax when undergoing procedures. Our Calhoun office offers nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and intravenous (IV) and oral sedation. Learn more during your consultation.

Avoid Long-Term Health Issues with Facial Reconstruction

A misaligned jaw could be caused by a traumatic facial injury or birth defect. Whatever the cause, the consequences of ignoring it could be costly to your long-term oral health. Our oral surgeons may recommend facial reconstruction in Calhoun to avoid speech, swallowing, and breathing issues.

Bone Grafting Allows Bone Regeneration for Dental Implants

Guided bone regeneration is now possible through bone grafting procedures. If your jawbone has been reabsorbed due to missing teeth, we can now grow bone where needed. This allows more patients to rely on dental implants as a permanent restoration method. Talk to our doctors about the possibility.

Schedule an Appointment with Caring Oral Pathology Experts

Oral cancer claims many lives. Monthly self-checks are important. You may be at risk if you’ve noticed a lump, sores, or reddish or whitish patches inside your mouth. Scheduling an appointment with our oral pathology experts could make all the difference. Don’t ignore the warning signs. Seek treatment right away.

We Also Offer Non-Surgical Procedures for Calhoun Patients

Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery is here to help in any way. We offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures at our Calhoun practice. Please reach out to us to request an appointment or more info.